With Aircare Compressor Services Ltd as your service provider, your company is eligible for a fantastic 25% discount off all compressed air training plus FREE associate membership of the British Compressed Air Society (BCAS)
The British Compressed Air Society (BCAS) has long been recognised as a provider of training and development for Engineers, technical professionals and users of compressed air. Now, Aircare can bring this training direct to your door, thanks to the Society’s brand-new e-learning portal.
You will find a wide range of specialist courses that are tailored to the needs of industry professionals, combining safe working practices, with specific guidance on all aspects of compressed air. If your staff or Engineering Team are working with compressed air, make sure they are trained, safe, empowered and competent.

Contact Aircare to receive your unique booking code and then visit elearning.bcas.org.uk & select from the full range of courses - all with a 25% discount